Monday, 29 November 2010

Friday, 8 October 2010

11 second ...

Last Month I sent my entry to the 11 second club monthly animation contest...
I got a pretty good classification there, considering my experience in animation...
Here is the design for one of the characters I used on the animation...

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Final Film Poster...again...

This a recent version of my short film poster, for the graduation screening...
I had fun doing this one...

Saturday, 31 July 2010

Power beast

This is the "grown up" version of the other character..
haha, I`m having fun with those...

Friday, 30 July 2010

Power Wizard

This is the wizard from my animation film...
I gave him some "buffs" on this drawing...haha

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Magic Trick - Screen shot

This is a screen shot of a rough composit scene that I`ve been working on, for my final film...
I hope this will look great after I`m done!!

Messing with cintiq!

I did this one today, and painted on a Cintiq!!
Cintiqs are nice...

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Talking about old school games...

(Adahan - Ristar Boss - Painted in photoshop)

I was doodling around (before start final film...) and I did this one, that I painted today...
Btw, he is not a pokemon...hahaha
He is a boss from the Genesis console game "Ristar"...
Good memories...

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Fan art..

I`ve been working on Final Film project lately and I just don`t have time to draw...
This one I did after finishing rough animation...
It`s a character from the old school game "Contra, the Hard Corps"...
Let`s see if I can post more often...

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Final Film Poster

Yeah... It's been some time since my last post...
Uh... whatever...nobody reads this, anyways...hahahaha
Well...Here is my final film poster...
The story will be about a wizard that tries to summon a demon, but something unexpected happens...